Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tiny Dancer

We paused to watch the local kids dance at the Riverfest.

So bright, so pretty with their excited eyes and colorful costumes.

This girl had a soft grace that drew your eye and made her stand out from the rest of her troop.

This dance group was next.

Full of energy, dancing to hip hop.

Out of the crowd of restless dancing children one gleamed brighter...

She was pocket sized but packed with personality.

I followed her with my camera while

She threw herself into the dance.

Her face a mixture of fierce concentration

and the sheer joy of performing.

She was, awesome :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


He was 6 foot til he rode the mechanical bull...

Dreaming sweet dreams...

of a man named Thomas.

porta potty! I'll give my left liver for a porta potty!

I'm guessing about 11pm that food choice if gonna haunt her like a burning orb.

what no deep fried snake? Tick on a stick?

Let's see..chicken, gator, sausage, curly fries. Mmmm curly fries!


Ma'am, I must check your Double D..er...I mean ID!

Gator on a stick! For reals!!! I asked for a taste test but was denied :(

This chicken was raised on a tiny farm in Oregon...His name was Bob.

Some raspy sounding woman asked me if I had tick on a stick...

This wood's like butter!

I'm an artist!

Who's &$@! idea was it to park UP the hill?!

What's the old Corps bag handle framing??! Mmmm chocolated exlax!

Funnel cake funnel cake funnel cake...gotta get some funnel cake...

its funnel...its cake...its FUNNEL CAKE! Nom Nom...

I smell bacon...


Dude, did I just see a rainbow Unicorn?!

Mmmm bacon...

I chuckled at the shirt logo then found out it was Tony Cook inside it!!

What booth? I don't know what you're talkin about! trust me!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Walnut Hills

mmmm baked Mac n Cheese. Get in my belly!

Prisoners, awaiting the deep fryer.

We shall dine on vegetables disguised in fried breading!

satiated bliss

Ain't no Lazy Susan gonna keep us down!

Life is good.

UPASS Policy Agenda Item #33: Institute mandatory nap time after lunch. All in favor say AYE!

These stairs didn't look so steep BEFORE lunch!

When I can once again remove myself from this chair, I shall GEO CACHE!